Know Your Skin Type:
The most common types of skin are dry skin, oily skin, combination skin, normal skin and sensitive skin. It is important for you to know your skin type to follow specific skin care secrets for its care.
If your skin feels tight and sometimes also itchy then you probably have a dry skin. Dry skin at its worst, can also be flaky and wrinkled.
If your skin feels oily to the touch and is prone to blackheads, acnes and pimples then chances are you have an oily skin.
Combination skin is, as the name suggests a blend of oily skin and dry skin. Normally, the T-zone, namely the forehead, nose and chin are oily while the rest of the face is dry.
Normal skin is rare to find. It is the perfect skin and everybody's dream. It has a fine texture without any open pores.
If your skin is prone to redness and allergies and is sensitive to external factors then you have a sensitive skin.

Skin Care Secrets for Dry Skin:
* Avoid contact with detergents as far as possible.
* Do not use soaps to clean your skin.
* Use a cleansing cream or milk to clean your face.
* To not rub your skin rigorously. Be gentle on your skin especially on areas like your lips and eyes.
* Splash water on your face, whenever you get the opportunity.
* Use oil based lotions to nourish your skin.
* Instead of ordinary make-up removers, pour a little oil in a cotton pad and use that. However, you can also use oil based make-up
* removers to remove any make-up.
* Do not use any toner since this will stretch the skin further.
* A moisturizer is a must. Use a lanolin based moisturizer to help retain your skin's natural moisture content.
* Use a night cream before going to sleep.
* Stay away from direct exposure to sun and wind as far as practicable. Use a sunscreen before venturing out in the sun. Protect your eyes with sunglasses.
Skin Care Secrets for Oily Skin:
* It is best not to use soap for cleaning your face. Use a gentle facial wash instead.
* For cleaning your body, use scrubs.
* Facial scrubs can effectively clean off the dirt
* Use astringents to refresh your skin after a wash.
* Do not use moisturizers that contain lanolin. Preferably, use light watery moisturizers. Massage the moisturizer lightly into your skin, wait for a few minutes to let your skin absorb the moisture and then dab lightly with a tissue paper to take off the excess moisture.
* Use face masks to tighten your skin muscles and improve blood circulation.
Skin Care Secrets for Combination Skin:
* Do not use soap, use scrubs and cleansers instead.
* Use an oil-based eye makeup remover to remove make up from your eyes and clean the area around your eyes.
* Use a cream cleanser once a day, concentrating on dry areas.
* Use a stronger astringent to tone the oily areas and a mild one for the dry areas.
* Use a lanolin or oil based moisturizer.
* Use sunscreen before going out in the sun.
Skin Care Secrets for Normal Skin:
* Use cleansers and scrubs instead of soap.
* Remove all makeup before going to bed.
* Don't rub your skin after a wash, instead pat it dry.
* Use a toner after washing.
* Use a moisturizer daily after a wash and before going to bed.
Skin Care Secrets for Sensitive Skin:
* Choose your skin care products carefully. If necessary consult a dermatologist before you select one.
* Remove all traces of makeup before you go to bed. Use a soothing makeup remover.
* Use a soothing, hypo-allergic lotion to cleanse your skin.
* Wash your face with lukewarm water.
* Select an unscented moisturizer and gently massage it into your skin.
Browse through our pages on Homemade Beauty Tips and Natural Beauty Treatments for easy beautiful skin secrets and natural skin secrets that you can prepare at home.
Daily Skin Care Secrets:
* Follow a healthy lifestyle.
* Attend fewer late night parties. Go to bed at the same time everyday.
* Get at least six hours of good uninterrupted sleep.
* Drink a lot of water. It helps to get rid of toxins from your body and keep it moisturized.
* Quit smoking.
* Cut down on alcohol.
* Cut down on coffee and cocoa. Those of us who suffer from acne and pimples should try to avoid chocolates completely.
* Cut down your consumption of fried and fatty food.
* Avoid stressful situations.
* Be happy.
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